Thursday, October 24, 2013

Make a "to do" list

"To do list"

  • *Check or buy a new microwave
  • *Check or buy a new refrigerator
  • *Buy an other lamp
  • *Buy a new doorknob or call to locksmith
  • *Adjust the ceiling fan
  • *Pack away and clean the CD's
  • *Buy a new curtains
  • *Clean the coffee stain from the rug
  • *Check or buy a new clock


1.- The microwave isn't working. It won't turn on.
-why isn't it working?
-I don't know why this thing is not working.
-You could need a new microwave or maybe carry with somebody for fixed it.

2.- The refrigerator is leaking and it has a dent in the door
-Why has a dent in the floor? comments, it was an accident but it is leaking, that is the problem.
-OK, well, you could carry it with a somebody who can fixed it or buy an other new refrigerator.

3.- The lamp keeps flickering on and off and I got a shock from it.
-Oh gosh, you should take off and buy other lamp, you must be more careful.

4.- The doorknob is losse. If it falls off, we won't to be able to open the door.
-I thing that you could call a locksmith for fixed it or you can buy other one and fixed it yourself.

5.- The ceiling fan is making a funnu noise.
-Oh, well, maybe it sound like that because it needs adjust to the ceiling.
-OK...I will, because I don't want to have an accident or something.

6.- There are CD's all over the counter and they're al scratched.
- Gosh! You have a lot of CD's there!
-amm well, I like to heard music but I always forget to pack away.
-You must pack away in order and cleaning them, in that way it can be played againg without scratched.

7.- That courtain is torn and has a big hole in the other one.
-You should to take away and put other new curtains or buy an onther new ones because they look so ugly.

8.-There's a coffee stain on the rug.
- You have to cleaning all the stain because it looks so ugly in the rug.

9.- The clock is a half hour slow. Actually, I think it stopped. The battery must be dead.
-Yeah, maybe it's that...well, you'll have to check it and confirm if the battery is dead or you must buy a new clock.

Monday, October 21, 2013

2. Family stories

Exercise A. Do you have ani amazing stories to tell about your family? Discuss the questions.

1.- What´s your family´s background and history? Does your family have an interesting story?
My grandmother told me that my great great grandfather was one of the special security of Porfirio Diaz, he was like a bodyguard in the chairmanship of Porfirio Diaz. His name was Isaac Balderas Sierra. It was a great notice and something curious from my family.

2.- How did your parents meet? How about your grandparents?
My mom and my dad met by me. When I was 9 years, I got a problem in my kidney and I started to lose weight, be pale and weak. My mom took me to the hospital and the doctor said that I have a problem in my kidney and I needed a ultrasound with the radiologist. When I when with him He was so nice and kind with me, I spoke a lot of things, and he finished my "photos" and he gave it to his boss and told him that I had a terrible problem with my kidney even they gave me a couple of months to live, obviously my mom didn´tell me. My family was so worry for me and always when to the church and pray for me and for my next ultrasound. Spent 1 month and I came back with my Dr. friend and he made an other ultrasound, he didn´t see it yet, only his boss, and he looked the ultrasound and he said: what did you do to her? and my mom was worry and she said nothing, and he asked that she brought the 1st ultrasound, she gave it to him and he made a comparation and he said that I didn´t have nothing in my kidney. Then of that, my stepfather asked out to my mom for 4 years and then they got married.

3.- Is there anyone in your family you don´t see very often? why?
I don´t see very often my uncle, because he work in Rosarito and he just come to us every month or every fifteen days. But my grandmother talk to him almost every day without fail.

4.- Has your family ever had a family reunion? What was it like?
When I was in the kinder garden, one oor 2 days per month the family of my grandmother and we made a reunion with carne asada, and all my uncles and aunts brought them my cousins and nices. Even my uncle Chuy made roles to play volleyball between Fathers VS Sons, it was really fun and nice. Now in days, we haven´t had an other reunion with them because a discussion with one of the sister of my grandmother.

5.- Are you close to one of particular member of your family? How did you become close?
I´m close with my grandmother, she is so cool and I talk with her all my stuffs and she told me about her.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Editor say about...

Marriage vows    People shouldn't be allowed...
  • to get married untik they have raken a marriage preparation course.
  • to get a divorce until they have been married for 10 years.
  • to marry before the age of 21.
 In these days couples who are engaged , most of them are young children under 21 , and possibly 50% of them already pregnant , so enter marriage for the commitment you have sealed with the sexual act , but the another 50 % are couples who have years of relationship and have taken " marital courses " where they are asked as a requirement for marriage by the church.  

Although , to obtain a divorce need not have been 5 , 10, 15 years or more , the law says you can annul a marriage as long as there is consummated the marriage , in the event that such an act has been performed the process can be performed divorce but with a period of time, paper , etc. .

In terms of age , according to statistics , marry after the age 21-25 years is appropriate , because in these ages are or have finished their studies and work possible , as well as in women of 23 years, her body and
is in perfect condition to get to have sex without complications , unlike the young under 21 .

Education   A law should be passed...
  • that prohibits students from quitting school before tha age of 18.
  • to make everyone learn at least two foreing languages.
  • to ban examinations for students under 16.
With fashion children grow , the opportunity to graduate early is unavoidable, as there are some young people who have not yet turned 18 years old and are in a school within walking distance to finish , and is imminent .
These days, it is not enough to only have English language as it is required to know as much as 80% in oral and written , are now being implemented various language courses such as French, Italian , Portuguese , Mandarin Chinese , Japanese , among others , but this is depending on the type of school , whether public or private.
The tests were implemented to have knowledge of information capture and recognition that they are providing students to determine their level of understanding , and is a necessary tool to verify and rectify the teaching mode that implements the master.Students from kindergarten to universities they have applied tests, but obviously there are complaints so you get information on how this level of knowledge and skill.

Driving   A law should be passed...
  • to prevent people over 70 from driving vehicle
  • to ban high fees for car insurance for young people.
  • to stop companies from making cars that go faster than the speed limit. 

 The people who are 70 years old don't have to drive because at that age tend to have various disabilities that make it difficult to see, hear and react faster than a young person or adult.
 The insurances companies really need to focus in the young people, because they obtained them
 drive licences and it would be an opportunnity for them and for the youngs. And the companies need to stop to making cars that go faster, even the people in this days choose the fastest car just for the type of car, model, company, etc. But, may be the law  point more to the speed that the car type that manufacture companies, since people are the step on the pedal, not the company that makes it.

Great Behavior


1. How to behave in class

You supposed to be early in the classroom.
You supposed to be quiet during when you come late at classroom.
You supposed to pay attention when the teacher is give you the instructions of the homework.
You supposed to talk with respect to your classmates and teacher during and after the class.
You supposed to borrow things and then return them.
You supposed to clean your desk when the class finished.
You supposed to be nice with the class and leave out the problems.

2. Being to perfect houseguest/dinner party guest

You supposed to have a plan and be organized according to how many guest are going to be.
You supposed to be nice, sociable, available and take care of all the details of the party.
You not supposed to lossing the naturalness during the night.
You supposed to have your house in conditions for all the night.
You supposed to receive the guests nicely and make them feel comfortable.
You supposed to have a topic for the party.
You supposed to have enough food and beverages for all the night and entertaiment.

3. The most important rules of the road/driving rules

You supposed to respect traffic lights and road signs.
You not supossed to parking on arterial roads.  
You not supposed to block intersections.  
You supposed to use directional lights. 
You supposed to keep your vehicle mechanically sound and be in good health. 
You supposed to Move to the right. 
You supposed to Soak up passengers only at bus stops. 
You supposed to have a Place warning signs and warning.
When driving,  you supposed to keep a constant speed of 45 kilometers per hour. 

You not supposed to turn left on streets and two-way streets.
4. A rule that should be added or dropped in school

It supposed to added in school the rule that allow students of GLION bring normal clothes on Friday.
It supposed to dropped in school the rule about to do fellow service plus cook, room division and services hours.
It supposed to added in school the rule that include the english and french books in the enrollment.
It supposed to dropped in school the rule about pay a school medical insurance when you have one by our parents.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2. Speaking and writing p.51

Letters to the Editor...*

1.- Do you thing the topic of the article is relevant? Well, my point of this article when I saw it, I couldn´t related with the text, because it’s talk about that the people like to used them phones in different places but, they disregard the true about how the other people using the internet can use them photos for different reasons. 

2.- Are you concerned about the issues it raises? Absually, this letter it makes me think about how and what places I can take a pictures, because I do it just for fun and remember that moment, but yes, it makes me feel worry about it but obviesly, I'm going to have more care about it. it's not fear it's just need wariness about my pictures.

3.- Have you ever seen anyone use a cam phone inappropriately? No, I have never seen anyone used it phone inappropiately.

4.- What should be done to prevent people from misusing cam phones? May be, the editor could writte about a case that has connection with this topic,  research about the person who was implicated, what did happend with she or he, etc, etc, etc. I think if the people read about tru cases, it could be a opportunity to remove tha band of the eyes and see the reality that what is happening in the world or around us.

Lesson B.

A letter to the editor...

Appreciated Edito of "CAM PHONE, GO HOMES!"

This article I really enjoy it and appreciat the reason that you write about this topic; when I read the article, I didn't understand but the text was to really clear about how the people enjoy taking photos with them phones in different places around the world, even in the streets, schools, public bathrooms, anywhere around. But, the true is that whit the internet in this days is in anywhere and can used it for upload pictures inmediatly to FB and anybody can see them pictures and used it for other reason.

I think the biggest problem of this is that the people don't respect the places that is forbidden to take pictures as the classroom also, because It could be exploit the picture and could misinterpret and produce a problem with the person or people that are in the picture.
Since the internet is in our hands, the young people start using it for upload different kind of think as a porn, people getting high and any other thinks. I think is to bad and pity see how the people damage their reputation with innocent game that in the end it become in personal problems.

I used my cam phone propperly but your article makes me think about it and I will have more care.*

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Map

Where in the world is Sri Lanka?

Or maybe you wish to look for another place!

Ms. Julia =)