Thursday, November 28, 2013

Free talk 11. Save the world!


  1. Help wildlife in your state!
  2. Our purpose, as a National Organization, help the endangered species and her enviroment.             We made a groups which are scattered in each stated of the Mexican Republic, especifying the species  that is endangered in that place.
  3. We have the purpose to give information to the people that what is the riches that they have in them state and they don't know; that's because We made a workshops to involve the people to help the species; involve the people, like students or young people, in expeditions with experts from National Geographic Channel, give them a certificaded and give them an opportunity to participated in make recording with the experts and involve with the animals and plants. And also, we make collections for all the Mexican Republic for help us to make this possible.
  4. With that money collection We want to construct building in each state, because in that way we can work close in the environment and the species and hire people specified in cares and treatment of animals and plants.

Changing your life 2-B

How my Laptop has changed my life*

I have like more that 3-4 years that my parents gave me a Laptop, it was a beutiful and tired school day,
I already finished my classes and I had to take the bus, I had to spent 30minutes waiting for the bus...I was so frustraring for come home; when I came home, my parents were waiting me out-side of the house, I was so strange and when I went to my room I found a big package in my bed and it was a lap top.

I had a few inconvenients because I used to go with my cousin or my uncle to asked for borrow his computer, but he all the time was working in his computer and I used to go to the library or go with my classmates to make the homeworks.

It changed my life totally because I was in the college and I had a lot of presentations and I needed a computer, but know, I have one!!. 
During the classes was much better to make the presentations there, even playing games, music, make videos, watching movies with my classmates, also access the Internet. 

Thanks to my Lap, things that I use to do at home or at school can now be done on the move and I don't have any disadvantage with my lap, well, sometimes I have to take it for maintenance but just because is necessary.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

A success story*

My successful uncle

He is:
  1. Intelligent
  2. Study hard
  3. Work hard
  4. Make an effort every day
  5. Enjoy his job
  6. Prefer the good things 
  7. Have fun in his free times
  8. Grateful
  9. Believe in his-self
  10. Confidence

I think that my uncle is a successful person, because at his 29 years he got an excellence in his test from the NORMAL, he know is a successful teacher with doble contracts in Rosarito maybe will be in Ensenada or México as a Principal for 1 year. He also Distrit Superviser from Playas de Rosarito since 4-5 years ago. He had the opportunity to be a principal in two schools differents; also he had the opportunity to choreografy the students for different events also the flag ceremonies.

He has apparience as a general, because he is so tall, robust, his voices is thick, his face conveys seriousness but he also is so nice, he is funny but his deffect is that he is stingy, but is a nice person. If you make him mad, it's so immpossible that he came back nice, it's to easy to be come his mad. When I was a child, I heated him a lot, because he was so evil with me, but now, we have a nice relationship since that I grew and also I lived with him, It was not a torture but I had a good stay in his house and with his roomate. He is a good person, with a lot of stuffs that he's caractered: 
                                        HE'S MY UNCLE AND I'M SO PROUD OF HIM!!*                                           

Friday, November 15, 2013

Can you believe it?


1. When I was child, I used to believe in the tooth fairy. When I lost my tooths, I'd put it under my pillow. And, when I used to wake up, check my pillow and when I found money I was so excited and I went to my mom and show her my money and I smiled her.

2. I'm not a person supertitious, it's something silly but I used to use the superstitious as a jokes.

3. When I was child, I went to the beach with my parents and uncles and I found a heart-shaped shell, and I came back to my home; I used to have it with me, because I heard that when you find something with heart-shaped that means that you would find your true love, I always have it with me and I met a guy who had the same shell, it was amazing, but, we don't fall in love, we just friends, so, it was a good luck even way.

4. Yes, it happened to me sometimes, like, the last month, I dreamed that I meet a guy who I have never seen before, it was good looking and sympathic, then I woke up. Spent one month and when I was in the church singing, I looked all the people passed in front of the altar, and I saw the same guy that I saw in my dreams, it was so crazy.

5. Yes, it happened with a friend, when we were talking about something we finished the conversation with the same words that I or him was thinking.

6. When I was with my partens, my mom told me that she had a patient who names was Teresa Montoya Torres. It was a strange coincidence.

Free talk 8: Analysing behavior


Sarah's situation

  • Sarah was so upset, maybe she lost her mind.
  • Shara problably felt so fustrated.
  • No, I dont think so, she should have calm down.
  • Both of them had to breathed first .
  • They could have stayed in quiet and let it pass.
  • I would have analyze first and don't lost my temper.
Joe´s Situation
  • Because each person doesn't care about others.
  • I think both of them  felt fustraded in each hour with the high loud.No, I don't think so.
  • First the neighbors should have considered the Joe´s request, and turn the volume down.
  • Joe could have complain with the manager of the building.
  • I would have call the police maybe.
Margie Situation
  • The people in the cinema knows that it's rude talk with the cellphone when the movie start, so they have a right to be angry.
  • They must have felt so angry.
  • Yes, the theater manager is the right person to handle that.
  • Margie shoul hang out the phone.
  • Margie could have get out of the hall and talk on the cellphone outside.
  • I would have my cellphone in vibrator and go out when is vibrating.

10 minutes....Run and Find!!.....and Write a Creepy Story


  1. Apply
  2. Hello
  3. Pen
  4. Wall-E
  5. Allow
  6. Well
  7. Yen
  8. Own
  9. Halo
  10. Play
  11. Hell
  12. Aloha
  13. Hola
  14. Open
  15. Why
Creepy Story

In this days, the creepy stories of experiences of paranormal witnesses get importance in a night with friends and talking around a bonfire, maybe this stories would be true or invented get scared like this story about couple: Alice and Charlie.
It was like a 20 years about...nobody knew of where they were and in this days nobody still know it.
 Alice and Charlie were a couple since of the college. Every anniversary  Charlie send a 12 flowers and a note for Alice in her house at 6pm (this is the time that he declared his love for her). That day was a terrible torment, it rained so hard and incredible thunders...while Charlie was driving of the flower shop, Alice was waiting for him for to go to the restaurant.Charlie arrived at her home, he was surprised to see Alice, she had a beautiful long and red dress and he has a nice black suit with a little rose in his chest.
They went to the restaurante and he was ordered a bottle of champagne to celebrate and then he stand up of his chair and knelt near to her and he proposed to get married...She said yes with tears of happiness even the torment still terrible. All teh people were sorprised even the waiters and the manager. When they finished them food, he paid the bill while she went to the room. She looked to her in the mirror and smiled all the time, when she closed the door, she saw her boyfriend, that beautiful gaze to star a new adventure together.
They went to the car so quickly, maybe running for the emosion and he stared driving.
 Upon returning home to tell the family, the storm grew worse, the wind and rain, all a mess , but in the car were very emosionados , until they saw a sign of deviance , unfortunately the car skidded down the street so which made the cliff wallow . were tumbling until a tree stopped them.He went out the window , lost consciousness for a moment , waking could not walk, screaming for Alicia , she did not respond , he crawled on the ground to the car , was discovered unconscious , he tried to wake her , seeing both fell asleep.The next day , they found their bodies and legend says that on that hill you can hear the screams of Alice, and others say they have seen the ravine .They tried to communicate with them in many ways, the most usual is connected with 6 colors , so you can talk to them and accompany you on your way , the only way to get rid of them is burning colors, so be careful with Charli and Alicia .


 Halloween has its origins in a Celtic festival known as Samhain, which is derived from Old Irish and means end of summer. The ancient Britons had a similar festival known as Calan Gaeaf. In the Samhain was celebrated the end of the harvest season in the Celtic culture and was regarded as the "Celtic New Year", which began with the dark station.

The ancient Celts believed that the line connecting this world with the Hereafter is linked with the arrival of Samhain, allowing spirits (both benevolent and malevolent) pass through. The family's ancestors were honored guests while harmful spirits were away. It is believed that the use of costumes and masks is due to the need to ward off evil spirits. The goal was to take on the appearance of an evil spirit to avoid being damaged.

A good solution

A good solution

The students in your school do not have a place to study, or to meet and relax before or after class. The school bluilding has an extra room, but it is old and dirty, and it does not have any furniture or equitment, such as chairs, tables, or vending machine. Although the school has a limited budget, you would like to turn this place into a student lounge.


One problem with our school is that students haven't place to study on their own, or meet before or after classes to relax. Because of this, many students leave the building during breaks. This wasters time and inoreases absenteeism. It also makes is harder for students to get to know each other.

We could solve this problem by creating a student lounge inside the school. We would liketo use the extra room on their floor for this purpose. A student lounge would benefir the school in three ways. First of all, the student would have the possibility to stay in the building during the breaks, secondly, the students could be safe in the building and the last, get fun all the groups together, and could order foof by outside the school, like a home service.

We have a plan to make this possible: Volunteers will clean and paint the room. We believe that we can raise money to organize a cannapes event, sell tickets for raffles and with the money could invest or make a deals with suppliers of furniture, computers and internet, or maybe coul find sponsors to help us and work together go give it style.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Free talk 9: ONLY ONE CHOICE


1. For sommer


because I like to pass my summer in a theme park in the pools, take the sun and get fun with my friends or family.

2. For your lifestyle

C. $ 20,000 IN CASH

because, I would have the money for buy the thing that I need, obviously I would take the 10% to give it to the church and the rest is for me.

3. For a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity


because I would like to meet a singers and actors from around the worl, but first of all from México.

4. For entertaiment


because I like to see a lot of movies  and if it's possible see them in large-screen tv, it would be awesome, I could see them during all the day.

5. For fun


because I would like to film my fun time with my friends and get the best momento with theme and then, we would see it in a future and remember that moment.

6. For a challenge


because I would like take a lessons for swimming, lose the fear, star swimming and then have the opportunity for scuba-diving in Yucatan or any other beautiful place to do it.

Rude behavior


1. Used bad lenguage in public.

2. Honk the born unnecessarily when driving.

3. Talk on cell phone too close to others.

4. Drive recklessly.

5. Litter the streets.

6. Drive with loud or missing mufflers.

7. Not clean up after pets on the streets.

8. Take up too many seats on the bus or train.