Friday, November 15, 2013

Can you believe it?


1. When I was child, I used to believe in the tooth fairy. When I lost my tooths, I'd put it under my pillow. And, when I used to wake up, check my pillow and when I found money I was so excited and I went to my mom and show her my money and I smiled her.

2. I'm not a person supertitious, it's something silly but I used to use the superstitious as a jokes.

3. When I was child, I went to the beach with my parents and uncles and I found a heart-shaped shell, and I came back to my home; I used to have it with me, because I heard that when you find something with heart-shaped that means that you would find your true love, I always have it with me and I met a guy who had the same shell, it was amazing, but, we don't fall in love, we just friends, so, it was a good luck even way.

4. Yes, it happened to me sometimes, like, the last month, I dreamed that I meet a guy who I have never seen before, it was good looking and sympathic, then I woke up. Spent one month and when I was in the church singing, I looked all the people passed in front of the altar, and I saw the same guy that I saw in my dreams, it was so crazy.

5. Yes, it happened with a friend, when we were talking about something we finished the conversation with the same words that I or him was thinking.

6. When I was with my partens, my mom told me that she had a patient who names was Teresa Montoya Torres. It was a strange coincidence.

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