Sunday, December 8, 2013

Wishing you the Best!

It was great having you in my class!
Big hug and I wish you the best! 
Ms. Julia =)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

My last post


I have had the opportunity, through this lab, I have found that I get to write beautiful and interesting arguments in the English language, so that previous years had not had a chance to speak and write English in the classroom. I feel I have improved my linguistic ability but still practice it. I like a lot this time in the lab where I could express my personality in my work, it is possible that through this medium was too useful, pleasant and very practical. I would like to continue using this blog to be a medium where I can express my English in addition to any experiences that I will pass during the time I have left in college.
It was good be in your class Miss Julia, thank you for all*


Free Talk 12: Job Fair


Office Assistant

1. I am interested in this job because they need someone which have good computer skills, organized and be able to work independetly on a wide variety of task, and I have that cualities.

2. I had experience as a secretary of my  boss in Lucerna Hotel, and my last job was in Rosarito Beach Hotel as a Wedding planner and Headwaiter in Sales department, in those places I help them with them presentations with him bosses.

3. I think that quialities that might have is organized, responsability, respect, good comunication with the customers, attittud with the customer and her/his teamworkers. Also abilities with the computer and certificated in sistems of computers.

4. Well, I would say that my strengths are my capacitie for have a good comunication and attitude with the customers, I am responsable, respectful, honets, nice and I can make good presentations by Power Point; but, I am a nervous person, if I can't figure out some problem I'll get nervous and stressed for it, that would be my principal weakness.

5. I would see my career progress over the next 5 year as a perfectionist in my job, I would like to get success and progrees in the management.

Writing an application letter

Dear Ms. Cowley

Re: Headwaiter position from Casa Blanca Restaurant

I am applying for the position of Headwaiter from Casa Blanca Restaurant in Rosarito Beach Hotel,
which was advertising in the Eco's paper on December 5th. My strongest qualification for this position is that I have experience from this area and also I speak English and French also.

As you can see from the enclosed résumé, I have had previous experience in this type of work with my ex partnes from Lucerna's Hotel like wedding planer and assistant of headwaiter. It was my responsability to help them and promote the packages that have the hotel for planed and make a weeding. In addition, I have a Opperation Hospitality Certificated, Speciallity of Hotelery, Turism and Gastronomic and also I have a professional certificated from Turism.

I am enthusiatic for this opportunity. I believe that I would be an excellent headwaiter, I can sure you that the people would be happy with me, because I have a faciliti for talk to the people, give a good services, also I am a positive, enthusiatic, goog attitude and I like the teamwork.

I would welcome this opportunity to meet you with you. I can be reached at 686-124-1779 every day from 12 until 7pm. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Laura Montoya Torres

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Free talk 10: Quotations*

1. Look at the quotations. Which ones do you agree with? Which one is your favorite? Why?

I'm agree with two quotations from: Booker T. Washington and Harrison Ford that also are my favorites.
This quotations are my favorites because they have the same meaning of the success.

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles with he has overcome" -Booker T. Washington

"I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up....if you simply didn't give up, you would outlast the people who came in on the bus with you." -Harrison Ford

2. Can you think up your own definition of "success"?

Success is the effort that you give while you have a lot of experiences that makes you grow up. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Free talk 11. Save the world!


  1. Help wildlife in your state!
  2. Our purpose, as a National Organization, help the endangered species and her enviroment.             We made a groups which are scattered in each stated of the Mexican Republic, especifying the species  that is endangered in that place.
  3. We have the purpose to give information to the people that what is the riches that they have in them state and they don't know; that's because We made a workshops to involve the people to help the species; involve the people, like students or young people, in expeditions with experts from National Geographic Channel, give them a certificaded and give them an opportunity to participated in make recording with the experts and involve with the animals and plants. And also, we make collections for all the Mexican Republic for help us to make this possible.
  4. With that money collection We want to construct building in each state, because in that way we can work close in the environment and the species and hire people specified in cares and treatment of animals and plants.

Changing your life 2-B

How my Laptop has changed my life*

I have like more that 3-4 years that my parents gave me a Laptop, it was a beutiful and tired school day,
I already finished my classes and I had to take the bus, I had to spent 30minutes waiting for the bus...I was so frustraring for come home; when I came home, my parents were waiting me out-side of the house, I was so strange and when I went to my room I found a big package in my bed and it was a lap top.

I had a few inconvenients because I used to go with my cousin or my uncle to asked for borrow his computer, but he all the time was working in his computer and I used to go to the library or go with my classmates to make the homeworks.

It changed my life totally because I was in the college and I had a lot of presentations and I needed a computer, but know, I have one!!. 
During the classes was much better to make the presentations there, even playing games, music, make videos, watching movies with my classmates, also access the Internet. 

Thanks to my Lap, things that I use to do at home or at school can now be done on the move and I don't have any disadvantage with my lap, well, sometimes I have to take it for maintenance but just because is necessary.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

A success story*

My successful uncle

He is:
  1. Intelligent
  2. Study hard
  3. Work hard
  4. Make an effort every day
  5. Enjoy his job
  6. Prefer the good things 
  7. Have fun in his free times
  8. Grateful
  9. Believe in his-self
  10. Confidence

I think that my uncle is a successful person, because at his 29 years he got an excellence in his test from the NORMAL, he know is a successful teacher with doble contracts in Rosarito maybe will be in Ensenada or México as a Principal for 1 year. He also Distrit Superviser from Playas de Rosarito since 4-5 years ago. He had the opportunity to be a principal in two schools differents; also he had the opportunity to choreografy the students for different events also the flag ceremonies.

He has apparience as a general, because he is so tall, robust, his voices is thick, his face conveys seriousness but he also is so nice, he is funny but his deffect is that he is stingy, but is a nice person. If you make him mad, it's so immpossible that he came back nice, it's to easy to be come his mad. When I was a child, I heated him a lot, because he was so evil with me, but now, we have a nice relationship since that I grew and also I lived with him, It was not a torture but I had a good stay in his house and with his roomate. He is a good person, with a lot of stuffs that he's caractered: 
                                        HE'S MY UNCLE AND I'M SO PROUD OF HIM!!*                                           

Friday, November 15, 2013

Can you believe it?


1. When I was child, I used to believe in the tooth fairy. When I lost my tooths, I'd put it under my pillow. And, when I used to wake up, check my pillow and when I found money I was so excited and I went to my mom and show her my money and I smiled her.

2. I'm not a person supertitious, it's something silly but I used to use the superstitious as a jokes.

3. When I was child, I went to the beach with my parents and uncles and I found a heart-shaped shell, and I came back to my home; I used to have it with me, because I heard that when you find something with heart-shaped that means that you would find your true love, I always have it with me and I met a guy who had the same shell, it was amazing, but, we don't fall in love, we just friends, so, it was a good luck even way.

4. Yes, it happened to me sometimes, like, the last month, I dreamed that I meet a guy who I have never seen before, it was good looking and sympathic, then I woke up. Spent one month and when I was in the church singing, I looked all the people passed in front of the altar, and I saw the same guy that I saw in my dreams, it was so crazy.

5. Yes, it happened with a friend, when we were talking about something we finished the conversation with the same words that I or him was thinking.

6. When I was with my partens, my mom told me that she had a patient who names was Teresa Montoya Torres. It was a strange coincidence.

Free talk 8: Analysing behavior


Sarah's situation

  • Sarah was so upset, maybe she lost her mind.
  • Shara problably felt so fustrated.
  • No, I dont think so, she should have calm down.
  • Both of them had to breathed first .
  • They could have stayed in quiet and let it pass.
  • I would have analyze first and don't lost my temper.
Joe´s Situation
  • Because each person doesn't care about others.
  • I think both of them  felt fustraded in each hour with the high loud.No, I don't think so.
  • First the neighbors should have considered the Joe´s request, and turn the volume down.
  • Joe could have complain with the manager of the building.
  • I would have call the police maybe.
Margie Situation
  • The people in the cinema knows that it's rude talk with the cellphone when the movie start, so they have a right to be angry.
  • They must have felt so angry.
  • Yes, the theater manager is the right person to handle that.
  • Margie shoul hang out the phone.
  • Margie could have get out of the hall and talk on the cellphone outside.
  • I would have my cellphone in vibrator and go out when is vibrating.

10 minutes....Run and Find!!.....and Write a Creepy Story


  1. Apply
  2. Hello
  3. Pen
  4. Wall-E
  5. Allow
  6. Well
  7. Yen
  8. Own
  9. Halo
  10. Play
  11. Hell
  12. Aloha
  13. Hola
  14. Open
  15. Why
Creepy Story

In this days, the creepy stories of experiences of paranormal witnesses get importance in a night with friends and talking around a bonfire, maybe this stories would be true or invented get scared like this story about couple: Alice and Charlie.
It was like a 20 years about...nobody knew of where they were and in this days nobody still know it.
 Alice and Charlie were a couple since of the college. Every anniversary  Charlie send a 12 flowers and a note for Alice in her house at 6pm (this is the time that he declared his love for her). That day was a terrible torment, it rained so hard and incredible thunders...while Charlie was driving of the flower shop, Alice was waiting for him for to go to the restaurant.Charlie arrived at her home, he was surprised to see Alice, she had a beautiful long and red dress and he has a nice black suit with a little rose in his chest.
They went to the restaurante and he was ordered a bottle of champagne to celebrate and then he stand up of his chair and knelt near to her and he proposed to get married...She said yes with tears of happiness even the torment still terrible. All teh people were sorprised even the waiters and the manager. When they finished them food, he paid the bill while she went to the room. She looked to her in the mirror and smiled all the time, when she closed the door, she saw her boyfriend, that beautiful gaze to star a new adventure together.
They went to the car so quickly, maybe running for the emosion and he stared driving.
 Upon returning home to tell the family, the storm grew worse, the wind and rain, all a mess , but in the car were very emosionados , until they saw a sign of deviance , unfortunately the car skidded down the street so which made the cliff wallow . were tumbling until a tree stopped them.He went out the window , lost consciousness for a moment , waking could not walk, screaming for Alicia , she did not respond , he crawled on the ground to the car , was discovered unconscious , he tried to wake her , seeing both fell asleep.The next day , they found their bodies and legend says that on that hill you can hear the screams of Alice, and others say they have seen the ravine .They tried to communicate with them in many ways, the most usual is connected with 6 colors , so you can talk to them and accompany you on your way , the only way to get rid of them is burning colors, so be careful with Charli and Alicia .


 Halloween has its origins in a Celtic festival known as Samhain, which is derived from Old Irish and means end of summer. The ancient Britons had a similar festival known as Calan Gaeaf. In the Samhain was celebrated the end of the harvest season in the Celtic culture and was regarded as the "Celtic New Year", which began with the dark station.

The ancient Celts believed that the line connecting this world with the Hereafter is linked with the arrival of Samhain, allowing spirits (both benevolent and malevolent) pass through. The family's ancestors were honored guests while harmful spirits were away. It is believed that the use of costumes and masks is due to the need to ward off evil spirits. The goal was to take on the appearance of an evil spirit to avoid being damaged.

A good solution

A good solution

The students in your school do not have a place to study, or to meet and relax before or after class. The school bluilding has an extra room, but it is old and dirty, and it does not have any furniture or equitment, such as chairs, tables, or vending machine. Although the school has a limited budget, you would like to turn this place into a student lounge.


One problem with our school is that students haven't place to study on their own, or meet before or after classes to relax. Because of this, many students leave the building during breaks. This wasters time and inoreases absenteeism. It also makes is harder for students to get to know each other.

We could solve this problem by creating a student lounge inside the school. We would liketo use the extra room on their floor for this purpose. A student lounge would benefir the school in three ways. First of all, the student would have the possibility to stay in the building during the breaks, secondly, the students could be safe in the building and the last, get fun all the groups together, and could order foof by outside the school, like a home service.

We have a plan to make this possible: Volunteers will clean and paint the room. We believe that we can raise money to organize a cannapes event, sell tickets for raffles and with the money could invest or make a deals with suppliers of furniture, computers and internet, or maybe coul find sponsors to help us and work together go give it style.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Free talk 9: ONLY ONE CHOICE


1. For sommer


because I like to pass my summer in a theme park in the pools, take the sun and get fun with my friends or family.

2. For your lifestyle

C. $ 20,000 IN CASH

because, I would have the money for buy the thing that I need, obviously I would take the 10% to give it to the church and the rest is for me.

3. For a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity


because I would like to meet a singers and actors from around the worl, but first of all from México.

4. For entertaiment


because I like to see a lot of movies  and if it's possible see them in large-screen tv, it would be awesome, I could see them during all the day.

5. For fun


because I would like to film my fun time with my friends and get the best momento with theme and then, we would see it in a future and remember that moment.

6. For a challenge


because I would like take a lessons for swimming, lose the fear, star swimming and then have the opportunity for scuba-diving in Yucatan or any other beautiful place to do it.

Rude behavior


1. Used bad lenguage in public.

2. Honk the born unnecessarily when driving.

3. Talk on cell phone too close to others.

4. Drive recklessly.

5. Litter the streets.

6. Drive with loud or missing mufflers.

7. Not clean up after pets on the streets.

8. Take up too many seats on the bus or train.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Make a "to do" list

"To do list"

  • *Check or buy a new microwave
  • *Check or buy a new refrigerator
  • *Buy an other lamp
  • *Buy a new doorknob or call to locksmith
  • *Adjust the ceiling fan
  • *Pack away and clean the CD's
  • *Buy a new curtains
  • *Clean the coffee stain from the rug
  • *Check or buy a new clock


1.- The microwave isn't working. It won't turn on.
-why isn't it working?
-I don't know why this thing is not working.
-You could need a new microwave or maybe carry with somebody for fixed it.

2.- The refrigerator is leaking and it has a dent in the door
-Why has a dent in the floor? comments, it was an accident but it is leaking, that is the problem.
-OK, well, you could carry it with a somebody who can fixed it or buy an other new refrigerator.

3.- The lamp keeps flickering on and off and I got a shock from it.
-Oh gosh, you should take off and buy other lamp, you must be more careful.

4.- The doorknob is losse. If it falls off, we won't to be able to open the door.
-I thing that you could call a locksmith for fixed it or you can buy other one and fixed it yourself.

5.- The ceiling fan is making a funnu noise.
-Oh, well, maybe it sound like that because it needs adjust to the ceiling.
-OK...I will, because I don't want to have an accident or something.

6.- There are CD's all over the counter and they're al scratched.
- Gosh! You have a lot of CD's there!
-amm well, I like to heard music but I always forget to pack away.
-You must pack away in order and cleaning them, in that way it can be played againg without scratched.

7.- That courtain is torn and has a big hole in the other one.
-You should to take away and put other new curtains or buy an onther new ones because they look so ugly.

8.-There's a coffee stain on the rug.
- You have to cleaning all the stain because it looks so ugly in the rug.

9.- The clock is a half hour slow. Actually, I think it stopped. The battery must be dead.
-Yeah, maybe it's that...well, you'll have to check it and confirm if the battery is dead or you must buy a new clock.

Monday, October 21, 2013

2. Family stories

Exercise A. Do you have ani amazing stories to tell about your family? Discuss the questions.

1.- What´s your family´s background and history? Does your family have an interesting story?
My grandmother told me that my great great grandfather was one of the special security of Porfirio Diaz, he was like a bodyguard in the chairmanship of Porfirio Diaz. His name was Isaac Balderas Sierra. It was a great notice and something curious from my family.

2.- How did your parents meet? How about your grandparents?
My mom and my dad met by me. When I was 9 years, I got a problem in my kidney and I started to lose weight, be pale and weak. My mom took me to the hospital and the doctor said that I have a problem in my kidney and I needed a ultrasound with the radiologist. When I when with him He was so nice and kind with me, I spoke a lot of things, and he finished my "photos" and he gave it to his boss and told him that I had a terrible problem with my kidney even they gave me a couple of months to live, obviously my mom didn´tell me. My family was so worry for me and always when to the church and pray for me and for my next ultrasound. Spent 1 month and I came back with my Dr. friend and he made an other ultrasound, he didn´t see it yet, only his boss, and he looked the ultrasound and he said: what did you do to her? and my mom was worry and she said nothing, and he asked that she brought the 1st ultrasound, she gave it to him and he made a comparation and he said that I didn´t have nothing in my kidney. Then of that, my stepfather asked out to my mom for 4 years and then they got married.

3.- Is there anyone in your family you don´t see very often? why?
I don´t see very often my uncle, because he work in Rosarito and he just come to us every month or every fifteen days. But my grandmother talk to him almost every day without fail.

4.- Has your family ever had a family reunion? What was it like?
When I was in the kinder garden, one oor 2 days per month the family of my grandmother and we made a reunion with carne asada, and all my uncles and aunts brought them my cousins and nices. Even my uncle Chuy made roles to play volleyball between Fathers VS Sons, it was really fun and nice. Now in days, we haven´t had an other reunion with them because a discussion with one of the sister of my grandmother.

5.- Are you close to one of particular member of your family? How did you become close?
I´m close with my grandmother, she is so cool and I talk with her all my stuffs and she told me about her.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Editor say about...

Marriage vows    People shouldn't be allowed...
  • to get married untik they have raken a marriage preparation course.
  • to get a divorce until they have been married for 10 years.
  • to marry before the age of 21.
 In these days couples who are engaged , most of them are young children under 21 , and possibly 50% of them already pregnant , so enter marriage for the commitment you have sealed with the sexual act , but the another 50 % are couples who have years of relationship and have taken " marital courses " where they are asked as a requirement for marriage by the church.  

Although , to obtain a divorce need not have been 5 , 10, 15 years or more , the law says you can annul a marriage as long as there is consummated the marriage , in the event that such an act has been performed the process can be performed divorce but with a period of time, paper , etc. .

In terms of age , according to statistics , marry after the age 21-25 years is appropriate , because in these ages are or have finished their studies and work possible , as well as in women of 23 years, her body and
is in perfect condition to get to have sex without complications , unlike the young under 21 .

Education   A law should be passed...
  • that prohibits students from quitting school before tha age of 18.
  • to make everyone learn at least two foreing languages.
  • to ban examinations for students under 16.
With fashion children grow , the opportunity to graduate early is unavoidable, as there are some young people who have not yet turned 18 years old and are in a school within walking distance to finish , and is imminent .
These days, it is not enough to only have English language as it is required to know as much as 80% in oral and written , are now being implemented various language courses such as French, Italian , Portuguese , Mandarin Chinese , Japanese , among others , but this is depending on the type of school , whether public or private.
The tests were implemented to have knowledge of information capture and recognition that they are providing students to determine their level of understanding , and is a necessary tool to verify and rectify the teaching mode that implements the master.Students from kindergarten to universities they have applied tests, but obviously there are complaints so you get information on how this level of knowledge and skill.

Driving   A law should be passed...
  • to prevent people over 70 from driving vehicle
  • to ban high fees for car insurance for young people.
  • to stop companies from making cars that go faster than the speed limit. 

 The people who are 70 years old don't have to drive because at that age tend to have various disabilities that make it difficult to see, hear and react faster than a young person or adult.
 The insurances companies really need to focus in the young people, because they obtained them
 drive licences and it would be an opportunnity for them and for the youngs. And the companies need to stop to making cars that go faster, even the people in this days choose the fastest car just for the type of car, model, company, etc. But, may be the law  point more to the speed that the car type that manufacture companies, since people are the step on the pedal, not the company that makes it.

Great Behavior


1. How to behave in class

You supposed to be early in the classroom.
You supposed to be quiet during when you come late at classroom.
You supposed to pay attention when the teacher is give you the instructions of the homework.
You supposed to talk with respect to your classmates and teacher during and after the class.
You supposed to borrow things and then return them.
You supposed to clean your desk when the class finished.
You supposed to be nice with the class and leave out the problems.

2. Being to perfect houseguest/dinner party guest

You supposed to have a plan and be organized according to how many guest are going to be.
You supposed to be nice, sociable, available and take care of all the details of the party.
You not supposed to lossing the naturalness during the night.
You supposed to have your house in conditions for all the night.
You supposed to receive the guests nicely and make them feel comfortable.
You supposed to have a topic for the party.
You supposed to have enough food and beverages for all the night and entertaiment.

3. The most important rules of the road/driving rules

You supposed to respect traffic lights and road signs.
You not supossed to parking on arterial roads.  
You not supposed to block intersections.  
You supposed to use directional lights. 
You supposed to keep your vehicle mechanically sound and be in good health. 
You supposed to Move to the right. 
You supposed to Soak up passengers only at bus stops. 
You supposed to have a Place warning signs and warning.
When driving,  you supposed to keep a constant speed of 45 kilometers per hour. 

You not supposed to turn left on streets and two-way streets.
4. A rule that should be added or dropped in school

It supposed to added in school the rule that allow students of GLION bring normal clothes on Friday.
It supposed to dropped in school the rule about to do fellow service plus cook, room division and services hours.
It supposed to added in school the rule that include the english and french books in the enrollment.
It supposed to dropped in school the rule about pay a school medical insurance when you have one by our parents.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2. Speaking and writing p.51

Letters to the Editor...*

1.- Do you thing the topic of the article is relevant? Well, my point of this article when I saw it, I couldn´t related with the text, because it’s talk about that the people like to used them phones in different places but, they disregard the true about how the other people using the internet can use them photos for different reasons. 

2.- Are you concerned about the issues it raises? Absually, this letter it makes me think about how and what places I can take a pictures, because I do it just for fun and remember that moment, but yes, it makes me feel worry about it but obviesly, I'm going to have more care about it. it's not fear it's just need wariness about my pictures.

3.- Have you ever seen anyone use a cam phone inappropriately? No, I have never seen anyone used it phone inappropiately.

4.- What should be done to prevent people from misusing cam phones? May be, the editor could writte about a case that has connection with this topic,  research about the person who was implicated, what did happend with she or he, etc, etc, etc. I think if the people read about tru cases, it could be a opportunity to remove tha band of the eyes and see the reality that what is happening in the world or around us.

Lesson B.

A letter to the editor...

Appreciated Edito of "CAM PHONE, GO HOMES!"

This article I really enjoy it and appreciat the reason that you write about this topic; when I read the article, I didn't understand but the text was to really clear about how the people enjoy taking photos with them phones in different places around the world, even in the streets, schools, public bathrooms, anywhere around. But, the true is that whit the internet in this days is in anywhere and can used it for upload pictures inmediatly to FB and anybody can see them pictures and used it for other reason.

I think the biggest problem of this is that the people don't respect the places that is forbidden to take pictures as the classroom also, because It could be exploit the picture and could misinterpret and produce a problem with the person or people that are in the picture.
Since the internet is in our hands, the young people start using it for upload different kind of think as a porn, people getting high and any other thinks. I think is to bad and pity see how the people damage their reputation with innocent game that in the end it become in personal problems.

I used my cam phone propperly but your article makes me think about it and I will have more care.*

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Map

Where in the world is Sri Lanka?

Or maybe you wish to look for another place!

Ms. Julia =)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Writing about...JuLau Hotel & Resort

JuLau Hotel & Resort

Located 30 minutes south of the border from San Diego, California, this proximity to the border and scenic location between the Pacific Ocean and coastal foothills, makes one of the leading resort towns in Baja CaliforniaThe main urban district is a four mile stretch along the beach on Boulevard of hotels, condominiums, restaurants, gift shops, curios, and more. 

Welcome to one of Baja's most famous landmarks, JuLau Hotel & Resort. Since it first opened its doors in 2012, millions of visitors as well as movie stars, presidents and international royalty have been attracted to it’s romantic old world charm and loving hospitality.
The Hotel has been at the heart of the popular resort destination that grew up around it. Today, as the hotel becomes a 250-room full-service resort, it remains the region's most popular hotel and a must-see destination for the city's more than one-million visitors a year. 

JuLau is a unique opportunity to vacation in a foreign country but with the convenience of a short drive. Families can explore new locations and experience a different culture while couples can rediscover their love for one another in the beautifully romantic setting of Baja. Because of the breathtaking sunsets, the delicious food, the warm climate and exciting night life, many Americans are now deciding to retire in one of the many beautiful beach communities that JuLau has to offer.

The 17-story Pacific, the latest chapter in the story of the resort, offers luxury and modern Mexican décor with a range of suite options from a studio to a 3-bedroom, 3-bath penthouse suite. Suites have panoramic ocean views and exquisite furnishings, a Spanish colonial/mission style and dynamic features such as a rooftop infinity pool, fitness and business centers, private parking garage, game room and bungalows with bar area also tennis area and a dancing floor near to the beach with the best music in live and DJ's.

Located near the beach Coral & Sand restaurant brings the flavors of Baja to your table in a very colorful, balanced and exquisite dishes. While enjoying the beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean from your table. Also enjoy the different types of cocktails made in the unique mixiologist style and our tapas in our lounge.

We are the only resort with history and tradition, where hospitality and service distinguish us.


Transcending our origin boundaries, preserve our values, reaching the highest levels quality standards of the world.


Our history and origin of our roots, they give us a personalized formation for customer services and guests, in order to make your stay more enjoyable.
Always having the attitude and the willingness to meet the needs of our customers with quality, warmth, efficiency and effectiveness.
Being faithful to the principles of honesty, respect, loyalty and be consistent with what we think, say and do.
Develop our work with interest and care for optimum results and take the consequences of our actions.
Our commitment is to provide our customer and employee safety at our facilities. Billed as the best choice for family stay and work experience.
We promote and we work on environmental conservation, managing rational and effectively the natural resources for the benefit of future generations.